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Youth in the labour movement

Vega Barroso & Lucía García

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Understanding the class system and the labour movement

Today has been a horrible day. We have been working for more hours than usually for the same poor and miserable salary. Since I Ieft the school I have no rest. Everyday I work at least twelve hours in that textile factory without hope or posibility to obtain a higher job position.

The society is not good en enough, althougth there is judicial equality, only men were judge by these Common laws and courts. Gender inequality is still big. Women are subordinate to men and i think this is really unfair. They are people, the same as us and i think they are strong and intelligent enough to work and live by their own, not depending in any men. But however people still thinking the same way.

The power of the bourgeoisie has increased in the last years in terms of industry as actual bankers belong to this class. While this status gain power the aristocracy is lossing it. They have less rights over peasants now, thanks to God. Anyway, the aristocracy still held leading high positions in government or justice and still mantain a luxurious life, although his wealth is based on land. On the other hand, the bourgeoisie live in neighbourhoods on the outskirts of the city.

Many of these people go regularly to the new popular activities such as the theatre or the opera. I would like to go to this places. They must be incredible, but for me it would be economically dificult to upgrade some tickets.

Economy is inequality, there is a huge difference in wealth from higher classes to lower ones. Wealth is what matters, it makes you belong to a certain status, it makes me work at least twelve hours a day and it is also horribly distributed to lower class.

The majority of the population belong to the lower class. I am a proletariat. I only have my labour, which is exchanged by a miserable salary. Boys like me leave school at the age of 6  and start working to support their families. We have a poor education and it’s impossible to change our position in the society. I feel bad for the little unskilled boys who have to work for more than 12 hours a day.

But not all the people who belong to the lower class are proletariats like me.

For example, my friend Thomas is a peasant. He is 14. He works all the day using basic tools and earns low salaries.

My friend George is a house servant. He live in the attic of the rich house in where he work. He has better working conditions but he works more than 12 hours a day and obtains, like everyone, a very low salary.

Due to this horrible conditions the Industrial Revolution has started in the country as working together in labour is the only way to improve the situation.

But in here, rich people only think about earning more money. For example, workers are losing their jobs because of the new technologies. Some of these workers destroyed factory machines in response.

I don’t know much about this but i know that there’s a political movement supported by many people of the lower class, so i suppose that it asks for more rights and better working conditions for workers. The other day in the factory, i heard about this movement. It asked for universal suffrage too, which means that every worker who was a man above 18 could vote. I still feel bad for women.

There are mutual aid societies which help workers in case they’re ill or unemployed. My family and I have never used it, but i know about people who was in need to use them. Some strikes took place in the country asking for better salaries, less working hours…

There are some conflicts between the bourgeoisie and the workers that are exploited by them for their own profit. I know a man called Marx who is against capitalism and in favour of a dictatorship with a communist society. I only know that if these ways are established social classes will dissapear ,and private property too.

Other people opposed any form of state and would to establish some weird voluntary asscociations to replace them. In the factory we call those ones anarchists.


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