As a owner of a factory
Juanma Aroca
The spread of the Industrial Revolution
19th April 1874
Hello my little diary, as you know, I am one of the owners of an enormous company with hundreds of factories around the world. It is called Grijalbo and we produce lots of different produts like cheap clothes and we have important iron factories too.
But I am not a happy man, my little diary. As I have said before, Grijalbo has got lots of factories and it is so difficult to resolve all the problems or to invest in other countries.
I remember when I was working in Belgium, It was the first country after Britain to industrialise because it has got abundant natural resources like iron and coal but I thought that this point was not the only one. Also, the people in Belgium were very friendly and very good workers. It was the most important point in the country, however in thosemoments I was not very important and the big bosses did whatever they wanted.
Now, Belgium is a big country with important iron and steel factories. Don’t forget that my little diary, it has got textiles factories too.
Good bye, diary.
20th April 1874
Hello, my little diary. Today I am happy and I don’t know why because I have been 3 hours speaking about our factories in Germany and in France too!
Oh my God, it was so bored and I think that I slept a little… Ha, ha.
They talked about the difficulties to industrialise Germany because it was divided in so many small states and it was impossible to invest in this type of countries but after the Zollverein -created in1872-, one year after the German unification, my boss decided to start with some factories in the country.
He is stupid! What do you think about that, my little diary?
I thought that it was the worst idea of the world but now, Grijalbo has got good factories there like the metallurgy factories… so.
Now, I am the stupid one.
Ok, my little diary.
We also talked about the difficulties to industrialise France because it is a very normal country, besides I think theydon’t like the big changes.
Oh yes, everyone are farmers or they work in the traditional artisanal activity… I love France!
At the end of the meeting, we decided to open a factory in Sweden because it has an important iron industry.
Good bye, my little diary.
22th April 1874
I am sorry diary, but I couldn’t write to you because yesterday I was working all the day preparing a new project.
I talked with my boss about open some Grijalbo factories in USA because it is an enormous country with several factors like extensive agricultural productions, abundant natural resources, specialised production and a large domestic market… It is amazing!
Oh! I forgot the technical advances and the new systems of production.
USA it’s the best country to open a Grijalbo factory.
Good bye, diary… I must continuous with the project.
23th April 1874
Diary… Do you remember when I said that USA was the best country to open a factory?
Of course you remember that and I should say that it’s false.
Why is it false? You are asking.
Oh, it is so easy to explain it, my little diary.
Because it is Japan. Meiji ended feudalism there, and now Japan is a country with amazing technologies and it is full of people who like working hours and hours… Amazing.
I investigated about Russia too and it has got thousands of natural resources and lots of mines… I think that it is going to be a strong country in the future…
Good bye, my little diary.