New life in the US
Ángel Conde & Rubén Calvo
The effects of industrialisation
January,3rd 1880
I have just arrive in United States of America. My trip has been too long , I was so nervous. Now I'm on a train in order to enter in my new house , tomorrow I will start working in a big company of electricity.
January, 4th 1880
Today I'm also nervous because I will know my boss and it is important day in my new life.
My new job will be my opportunity to get a better life and i need to use my cards I will need some luck.
January, 5th 1880
I have being integrated perfectly in the new company and I’m an accountant and I’m impresionated with all the money that this company obtains daily I’m talking about hundreds thousands of dollars every day.
March, 15th 1880
I have being working here for 3 months and now I’ve tacked my ascend I’m so happy because my brothers are coming here right now.
June, 28th 1880
I think that this new life has being a very important part of my life and now I’m better than never , I’m keeping a relationship with a woman of my employment and we have being together 2 months.
July, 30th 1880
I will be married with Julia the next year now we are rich due to the company and we are thinking on create our new company , It will be called “Williamson & sons”.
September, 10th 1880
Julia and me have inaugurated today our new company ``Williamson & sons´´. We had invested more or less one million dollar, the problem is that we asked for a loan and we had to put our house as abal. I hope the company grows and start producing income.
April, 15th 1881
I´m going to be father! That's why today Julia and me have had to go to the hospital unexpectedly, but the baby has not been born at the moment.
The cosequences is that there was no time to appoint an executive as representative of the company and the actions of ``Williamson & sons´´ have fallen by 22%.
April, 18th 1881
He is a boy! My son is going to be called Federico. I have decide by myself but Julia will accept it.
I had to choose a new worker to replace Julia on her maternity leave, but I do not think it will last a long time, this work is harder than it looks.
April, 29th 1881
Today I had to dismissed the new worker because Julia reinstate, but I talked to the boss of the other company I worked for to be hired. He was a good worker.